Projects Completed Power Generation Projects

Untitled design (11)

 1) Solar power plants for small, medium, and large scale
2) Solar pumps assembly plants
3) Solar home light system assembly plant
4) Solar water heater assembly plant
5) Solar-distilled water plant
6) Solar cooker manufacturing plant
7) Solar photocell manufacturing plant
8) Solar & wind hybrid power manufacturing plant

We design and supply solar electric power generation plants. This plant is inclusive of complete engineering. Solar PV panels, structures, electric cabling, switches, power measuring meters, etc. Plants we design from a few kilowatts to 5 megawatts.

We design and supply a solar pumping system. Our solar pumping system consists of solar panels, a DC switch, an inverter, spark arrestor, earthing material, AC / DC pump (surface/submersible), a suction pipe, a wire rope, etc. Our pumping system is from ½ HP to 30 HP.

We design and supply solar home lighting systems for home use. In this system, we provide solar panels and inverters.

We design and supply solar water heating systems. This system is mounted on the roof. The system capacity is from 100 ltr to 1000 ltr. UV tubes or copper tubes absorb solar energy and make hot water.

We design small to medium-scale solar water distillation plants. In this plant, water is filled in a flat tank, and glass is fixed on top at a slant angle. UV-treated water is directly collected in a tank and filled in a bottle. This evaporated water is the purest one.

We design solar cooking systems for home kitchens as well as for community kitchens. Home kitchen cookers have a box with reflecting mirrors. Sun rays are reflected on cooking utensils and food is cooked. A community kitchen cooker is a very big system where food is cooked on heat generated by the solar system.

We provide technology for solar photocell assembly. Silicon photovoltaic cells are pasted as per the circuit diagram. P and N junction connected to generate power.

We design and supply hybrid solar and wind power manufacturing plants. This system consists of solar panels on top and lightweight wind turbines mounted on the bottom of the solar structure. Power generation range from 500 watts to 20 KW. The turbine can work at a low speed of 3 m/s.

We design and supply windmills of small capacity to mega capacity. Windmills generate 24 hours of electricity compared to 12 hours of electricity from solar plants.  The turbine rotates with wind force and kinetic energy gets converted into electric energy since the shaft of the blade(rotor) is attached to the alternator.

We designed and supplied a biogas electric power generation plant. Biogas from cattle farms and poultry waste is purified and further feed as fuel to the engine connected to an alternator to generate electric power.

A gasifier power generation system uses wood chips, and agro waste and converts them into combustible gas and this gas is further feed to the engine for electricity generation. This gas is also called producer gas and it contains nitrogen, CO3, H2, and traces of methane.

We supply inverters to be used for home lighting in power cut-off situations. Inverters store energy in batteries and if power is cut off automatically supply is switched to battery mode.

1) Solar power plants for small, medium large scale
2) Solar pumps assembly plants
3) Solar home light system assembly plant
4) Solar water heater assembly plant
5) Solar distilled water plant
6) Solar cooker manufacturing plant
7) Solar photo cell manufacturing plant
8) Solar & wind hybrid power manufacturing plant

B) Wind mills for electric power
C) Biogas electric power generation
D) Gasifier (Briquette) electric power generation
E) Electric Invertors / UPS for home light & Computer Backup
F) Charcoal Machine